Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brian Nicolas

The baby is getting big! He is such a sweet boy. Never cries and loves his "Grammy"!

2010 Awards!

Well, my classes won awards again this year. Last year I won one award...this year FIVE! "Best in Montgomery County, Pa." Here they are:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cuff Bracelet

This is a new cuff bracelet that I just designed. I will be teaching it in two weeks at the store! It was a challenge!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Baby!

We are having a new baby! And I am going to be a first time grandmother! Yes, Sarah and Dean gave me the news recently! It's a boy, due February 4, 2010!! Here he is:
What a cutie already! (If you look closely at the back of his head, you will see God's hand cradling his little head....A thumb and three fingers.....See it?? It's there... look again!) Ok... leaving to buy cute baby things......bye!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Turks Head Ring

Many thanks to Lois for hosting the party today that taught us how to make this great ring! We had a blast! Here is my lovely creation!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Daughter, Sarah

Here is a picture of my daughter, Sarah. She is 21 and works at a center for special needs children in New York City. She loves animals, children and the elderly. I am very proud of her. She is a great kid! So when you hear me speak of her, you will have a face to put with the name!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Romeo and Juliet

Well, here they are.... Romeo (tuxedo cat) and Juliet (calico). I found Romeo at the Humane Society all by his "tiny little four week old" self in a cage. He was there because his family had been in a fire. His Momma rescued him and went back for the others and never made it back out.
I already had two rescue birds...(someone bought them for their cats to play with... can you imagine??? I knew nothing about birds, but took them both. One was injured. I had them both for about ten years. They both passed away last spring)
Anyway... as I was saying... I already had two rescue birds and wasn't in the market for another animal. After all,I had only gone to volunteer to walk the dogs that day. So I left...On the way home, I kept thinking of that poor little guy in the cage all alone and how he just clung to me when I got him out to pet him. Next thing you know, I'm signing papers and buying cat food! lol. He was such a lover, I named him Romeo. I taught him to sit for treats, fetch and obey 48 commands.
Then along came Juliet....She came to us when we were outside one day..about 6 months after we got Romeo. She was malnourished and full of worms, fleas and dirt. Well... you know.... I HAD to take her in... I mean, no one was caring for her. It became my duty. Of course, I had to sit her down on her little cat butt and explain to her that she would have to take the name Juliet...which she wholeheartedly agreed to, seeing it would get her shelter and food! She learned all of her tricks by watching Romeo, who ever so politely, shares his food bowl and litter box with her. They are wonderful pets. So now when you hear me speak of them, which is quite often, you will have an idea of who I am speaking about!